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Lavender is one of the best known aromas in cosmetics. They used it in ancient times to clean clothes, the Romans used it to perfume baths, and the Hebrews to purify body and soul. In this article we will inform you about lavender applications and their uses.
There are different varieties of lavender, the most appreciated is fine lavender, which grows in the mountains of Haute Provence in France at a fairly high altitude. The three most common varieties are:
- Lavandula spica, contains bactericidal and healing medicinal properties.
- Lavandula vera or angustifolia/officinalis, is the most delicate and has soothing therapeutic properties.
- Lavandula fragans/delphinensis, is often used for air fresheners.
What is lavender used for?
It has numerous therapeutic applications, among which are:
- To treat dermatitis, scars, allergies and acne. It is anti-inflammatory, healing for the skin and regenerating.
- It is used for muscular disorders, you apply a massage and it has a very calming analgesic effect.
- To reduce mosquito and insect bites, small burns, etc.
- Helps you relax and sleep better.
- Relaxing magic recipe.
Mix a tablespoon of honey, 10 drops of lavender essential oil, a tablespoon of jojoba vegetable oil, add them to the bath water and you will come out totally relaxed and purified.
On the Vismaressence website you can find a wide variety of products that contain lavender, such as:
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